Here are quick links to all our resources. The simple URL for this page = www.civlab.link.
Donate = www.tinyurl.com/Support-CivicLab
Sign up for our email list = ww.tinyurl.com/CivicLab-News
Purchase a copy of “Chicago Is Not Broke” = www.tinyurl.com/Order-Broke-Book
Check out past and current workshops = www.civiclab.eventbrite.com
View our videos = https://tinyurl.com/CivicLab-Videos
Watch our presentations (over 240,000 views to date!) = www.tinyurl.com/CivicLab-Presentations
Listen to our audio clips (radio interviews, records from workshops) = ttps://tinyurl.com/CivicLab-Audio
View images from our co-working/maker space (2013-2015) = www.tinyurl.com/CivicLab-photos
Order CivicLab swag = www.cafepress.com/civiclab
Our Work
The TIF Illumination Project = www.tifreports.com
“Chicago Is Not Broke” Book Project = www.wearenotbroke.org
POWER Institute for training, nonprofit strategic services = www.powerinstitute.us
Why are Chicago’s civics so toxic? A sketch of our analysis of the context for civics in Chicago = www.chicagocivics.org