The POWER Institute is our training and consulting arm. We seek to prepare people to be effective in public life and to win for justice.
Over 5,000 people have trained with us since we launched in Spring of 2017. We offer a connected series of workshops designed to give people who want to fight for justice a grounding, a pedagogy and some skills needed to win in the civic jungle of Chicago.
"Community Organizing 101" from the Summer of 2018
We offer:
“Chicago 101” – which explains how our civics got so toxic and gives detail about the fabled Chicago Machine (see our companion web site at Chicago Civics).
“Community Organizing 101” – an introduction to Direct Action organizing and the role and skills of a community organizer. Participants form small groups to work a Power Matrix around a real Chicago issue.
“Grassroots Campaigning 101” – how to prepare a campaign for local office in Chicago. Participants do home work looking at the vulnerabilities of their own incumbent alderman.
- “Public 101” – Why is lifting up, fighting for, and extending America’s PUBLIC sector and services the Number One priority for all social justice workers?
“TIF 101/Organizing Around TIFs” – This session explains how Tax Increment Financing districts evolved and work in Chicago. We also cover the public policy insults they offer to our communities and to educate and organize around them.
“Chicago Budget 101” – an overview of the components and details of the 2018 overall Chicago budget – it’s $20 BILLION!
We also offer a full day campaigner’s training workshop that gives attendees a full play book and bountiful resources needed to start a grassroots campaign for local office!
Our primary trainers are Ama Johnson, Jonathan Peck, Phillip Thomas, and Tom Tresser who have over 100 years combined experience winning grassroots campaign for democracy, justice and equity.
Attendees said:
“ I recently attended the Power Institute workshop on T.I.F. I was amazed how informative the class was. Tom spoke truth to power and I could see his passion for his work. I was inspired to get involved with civics (boots on the ground) LOL. I will be taking my first steps toward working with communities in our great city of Chicago! I highly recommend this workshop and others that are offered through the Power Institute.” – P.H. – Hyde Park
“Amazing resource for Chicago residents. An opportunity to learn how those in power keep robbing the everyday people!” – Gaylon Alcarez – ChIcago Tribune endorsed candidate, Cook County Commissioner, 4rh District
“Worth every penny! I have heard of these political operatives and cannot believe that I got to speak to them in such an intimate environment. I also loved the workshop because it was cathartic and was grounded in the reality that we still have a democracy. We still matter. We can beat the Machine – but we have to be ready for a fight. I can fight. I’ve fought my whole life. But I’ve been thinking about whether it’s worth fighting And this training reminded that it was.” – Priscilla Orta
Check our web site at www.powerinstitute.us for the latest schedule. We can come to your organization with this training. Call us at 773-770-5714 or email info@civiclab.us. Get smart to win for justice!